TikTok advertising is exploding right now, with more and more companies choosing to move part or all of their media budget to TikTok.
Yes, you are wondering like everyone else, what are the results of TikTok? Isn't it only children on TikTok?
How does it sound with an increased ROAS of 3.6%? or a CPM of 7-10:-?
When we have run TikTok advertising for our clients, they have, among other things, broken sales records on their e-commerce & become Sweden's largest sports app on the App Store.
We'll help you develop everything from account, strategy and content. We've also helped companies get verified on TikTok.
Just like running Facebook advertising or Instagram advertising, this is not for everyone. Let's schedule a call and we'll review the possibilities for your company and consult with you to develop the best conditions and opportunities.
Many companies go in with the mindset that they can do the same advertising on TikTok as they do on Instagram and Facebook. This is wrong, wrong, wrong. TikTok is not a social media, but it is classified more in the style of YouTube or Netflix, i.e. as an educational and entertainment media.
Therefore, don't forget that your company needs to be there to entertain or educate in your industry and niche.
We humans are getting better and better at filtering out ads, so on TikTok it's incredibly important that you don't do just that, ads. On TikTok, we create entertaining and/or educational content preferably with creators, influencers or ambassadors. Among our biggest clients and best performers, UGC materials are used extensively as a source of creativity and continuity. Make TikTok's not Ads.
When you first experience TikTok, you probably do so by looking at someone else's phone, often a child or grandchild. This allows you to see the content that the DOM likes to watch. To evaluate TikTok for your business, it's important to find out what your target audience's behaviour is and what their feeds look like. Something that is completely unique to TikTok is their algorithm which is incredibly high tech and incredibly good at specifying interests and delivering those particular videos to you.
In the Swedes and the Internet survey, we saw an extreme increase in users of the TikTok app and one of the few apps that clearly shows that it actually influences purchasing behaviour. While Facebook and Instagram have more of a role in keeping track of your friends, their birthdays and writing to your mates on messenger.
If you want to get inspiration on how we work with our customers, please check out the accounts below
TITok är en social videodelningstjänst as låter användare skapa och parta korta videoklipp med andra användare. It has skapat ett nytt sätt för användare to skapa och njuta by innehåll, och has blivit a by de mest populära sociala withieplatformthe på nätet.
For to annonsera på TikTok behöver du skapa en annonscampanj via deras annusplattform. Därefter can you välyes at olika annonsformat, skapa annonskatior och målgrupper och annonsbudgetar. Annonser view then to relevanta användare baseerat på de inställningar du have gjort.
TITok erbjuder olika typer by annonser, inklusive:
- In-feed-annonser: In-feed-annonser view among andra användares innehåll.
- Brand Takeabout: Brand Takeabout-annuser view as the fforfirst bilden när användare öppnar TikTok-appen.
- Branded Hashtag Challenges: Branded Hashtag Challenges ger möjligit to skapa engagerande annonser as uppmuntrar användare to participate i olika outmaningar.
- Branded Effects: Branded Effects låter annonsörer skapa olika effekter as är togängliga ffor användare to använda i sina videor.
- Branded Lenses: Branded Lenses är anpassade linser som användare can använda på sina bilder och videor.
- Branded Stickers: Branded Stickers är anpassade sticker as användare can använda i sina videor.
Kostnaden for TikTok-annonser beror på ett antal faktorer, inklusive annonsformat, målgrupp och budget. TikTok erbjuder en "pay-per-view"-modell, willket innebär at annonsörer bara betalar ffor visningar by deras annonser.
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